Journal covers

Viennet T, Viegas A, Kuepper A, Arens S, Gelev V, Petrov O, Grossmann TN, Heise H, Etzkorn M, 2016,
Selective Protein Hyperpolarization in Cell Lysates Using Targeted Dynamic Nuclear Polarization,
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55, 10746 –10750

Viegas A, M.Yin D, Borggräfe J, Viennet T, Falke M, Schmitz A, Famulok M, Etzkorn M,
Molecular Architecture of a Network of Potential Intracellular EGFR Modulators: ARNO, CaM, Phospholipids, and the Juxtamembrane Segment,
Structure, 28 (1), 54-62.e5

Dubey A, Stoyanov N, Viennet T, Chhabra S, Elter S, Borggräfe J, Viegas A, Nowak RP, Burdziev N, Petrov O, Fischer ES, Etzkorn M, Gelev V, Arthanari H,
Local Deuteration Enables NMR Observation of Methyl Groups in Proteins from Eukaryotic and Cell‐Free Expression Systems,
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60, 13783-13787,

Borggräfe J., Gertzen C. G. W., Viegas A., Gohlke H., Etzkorn M., 2022,
The architecture of the 10-23 DNAzyme and its implications for DNA-mediated catalysis
The FEBS Journal, 290, 8, 1937-2200
Papers in international scientific journals
Vilela-Alves G., Manuel R. R., Viegas A., Carpentier P., Biaso F., Guigliarelli B., Pereira I. A. C. , Romão M. J. and Mota C., 2024, Substrate-dependent oxidative inactivation of a W-dependent formate dehydrogenase involving selenocysteine displacement, Chemical Science
Borggräfe J., Gertzen C. G. W., Viegas A., Gohlke H., Etzkorn M., 2023, The architecture of the 10-23 DNAzyme and its implications for DNA-mediated catalysis, The FEBS Journal, 290, 8, 1937-2220.
Gopalswamy M, Kroeger T, Bickel D, Frieg B, Akter S, Schott-Verdugo S, Viegas A, Pauly T, Mayer M, Przibilla J, Reiners J, Nagel-Steger L, Smits SHJ, Groth G, Etzkorn, M, Gohlke H, 2022, Biophysical and pharmacokinetic characterization of a small-molecule inhibitor of RUNX1/ETO tetramerization with anti-leukemic effects, Sci. Rep., 12, 14158.
Borggräfe J., Victor J., Rosenbach H., Viegas A., Gertzen C. G. W., Wuebben C., Kovacs H., Gopalswamy M., Riesner D., Steger G., Schiemann O., Gohlke H., Span I., Etzkorn M., 2021, Time-resolved structural analysis of an RNA-cleaving DNA catalyst, Nature.
Dubey A, Stoyanov N, Viennet T, Chhabra S, Elter S, Borggräfe J, Viegas A, Nowak RP, Burdziev N, Petrov O, Fischer ES, Etzkorn M, Gelev V, Arthanari H, 2021, Local deuteration enables NMR observation of methyl groups in proteins from eukaryotic and cell‐free expression systems, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60, 13783-13787
Duarte M*, Viegas A*, Alves VD, Prates JAM, Ferreira LMA, Najmudin S, Cabrita EJ, Carvalho AL, Fontes CMGA, Bule P, 2021, A dual cohesin–dockerin complex binding mode in Bacteroides cellulosolvens contributes to the size and complexity of its cellulosome, JBC, 296, 100552
Viegas A, Dollinger P, Verma N, Kubiak J, Viennet T, Seidel CAM, Gohlke H, Etzkorn M, Kovacic, Jaeger KE, 2020, Structural and dynamic insights revealing how lipase binding domain MD1 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa foldase affects lipase activation, Sci. Rep., 10, 3578.
Ribeiro DO*, Viegas A*, Pires VMR, Silva JM-, Bule P, Chai W, Marcelo F, Fontes CMGA, Cabrita EJ, Palma AS, Carvalho AL, 2019, Molecular basis for the preferential recognition of β1,3‐1,4‐Glucans by the Family 11 Carbohydrate‐Binding Module from Clostridium thermocellum, The FEBS Journal, 287 (13), 2723-2743
Viegas A, M.Yin D, Borggräfe J, Viennet T, Falke M, Schmitz A, Famulok M, Etzkorn M, 2019, Molecular Architecture of a Network of Potential Intracellular EGFR Modulators: ARNO, CaM, Phospholipids, and the Juxtamembrane Segment, Structure, 28 (1), 54-62.e5
Viennet T, Plümke SB-, Elter S, Viegas A, Fahlke C, Etzkorn M, 2019, Reconstitution and NMR characterization of the ion-channel accessory subunit barttin in detergents and lipid-bilayer nanodiscs, Front. Mol. Biosci. 6 (13)
Brás JL, Pinheiro BA, Cameron K, Cuskin F, Viegas A, Najmudin S, Bule P, Pires VM, Romão MJ, Bayer EA, Spencer HL, Smith S, Gilbert HJ, Alves VD, Carvalho AL, Fontes CM, 2016, Diverse specificity of cellulosome attachment to the bacterial cell surface, Sci Rep. 2016 Dec 7; 6:38292.
Viegas A, Viennet T, Etzkorn M, 2016, The power, pitfalls and potential of the nanodisc system for NMR-based studies, Biological Chemistry, 397 (12), 1335-1354.
Viennet T, Viegas A, Kuepper A, Arens S, Gelev V, Petrov O, Grossmann TN, Heise H, Etzkorn M, 2016, Selective Protein Hyperpolarization in Cell Lysates Using Targeted Dynamic Nuclear Polarization, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55, 10746 –10750
Viegas A, Viennet T, Yu TY, Schumann F, Bermel W, Wagner G, Etzkorn M, 2016, UTOPIA NMR: activating unexploited magnetization using interleaved low-gamma detection, Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 64, 9–15
Elter S, Raschle T, Arens S, Viegas A, Gelev V, Etzkorn M, Wagner G, 2014, The use of amphipols for NMR structural characterization of 7-TM proteins, Journal of Membrane Biology, (247), 957-64.
Pimenta J, Viegas A, Sardinha J, Martins IC, Cabrita EJ, Fontes CMGA, Prates JAM, Pereira RMLN, 2013, NMR Solution Structure and SRP54M predicted interaction of the N-Terminal sequence (1-30) of the ovine Doppel protein, Peptides, 49, 32-40
Pimenta J, Sardinha J, Marques CC, Domingos A, Baptista MC, Barbas JP, Martins IC, Mesquita P, Pessa P, Soares R, Viegas A, Cabrita EJ, Horta AEM, Fontes CMGA, Prates JAM, Pereira RMLN, 2013, Inhibition of ovine in vitro fertilization by anti-Prt antibody. Hypothetical model for Prt/ZP interaction, Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 11 (25), 1-11
Viegas A, Freire F, Sardinha J, Duarte DF, Carvalho AL, Fontes CMGA, Romão MJ, Macedo AL, Cabrita EJ, 2013, Solution Structure, Dynamics and Binding Studies of a Family 11 Carbohydrate-Binding Module from Clostridium thermocellum (CtCBM11), Biochemical Journal, 451 (2), 289-300
Estevão MS, Carvalho LR, Freitas M, Gomes A, Viegas A, Manso J, Fernandes E, Cabrita EJ, Erhardt S and Marques MMB, 2012, Indole based cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors: synthesis, biological evaluation, docking and NMR screening, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 54, 823-833
Pimenta J, Domingos A, Santos P, Marques CC, Barbas JP, Baptista MC, Horta AEM, Viegas A, Fontes CMGA, Prates JAM and Pereira RMLN, 2012, Is prnt a pseudogene? Identification of ram Prt in testis and ejaculated spermatozoa, Plos One, 7, e42957-e42957
Quintal S, Viegas A, Erhardt S, Cabrita EJ and Farrell N, 2012, The interaction of a platinated single strand oligonucleotide and the C-terminal zinc finger of the HIVNCp7, Biochemistry, 51, 1752-1761
Viegas A, Manso J, Corvo MC, Marques MMB and Cabrita EJ, 2011, Binding of ibuprofen, ketorolac and diclofenac to COX-1 and COX-2 studied by saturation transfer difference NMR, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 54, 8555-8562
Viegas A, Manso J, Nobrega FL, and Cabrita EJ, 2011, Saturation-Transfer Difference (STD) NMR: A simple and fast method for ligand screening and characterization of protein binding, Journal of Chemical Education 88, 990-994
Viegas A, Herrero-Galán E, Oñaderra M, Macedo AL and Bruix M, 2009, Solution structure of hirsutellin A – new insights into the active site and interacting interfaces of ribotoxins, FEBS Journal 276, 2381–2390
Viegas A, Brás N, Cerqueira N, Fernandes PA, Prates JAM, Fontes CMGA, Bruix M, Romão MJ, Carvalho AL, Ramos MJ, Macedo AL and Cabrita EJ, 2008, Molecular Determinants of Ligand Specificity in Family 11 Carbohydrate Binding Modules (CBM11): an NMR, X-Ray Crystallography and Computational Chemistry Approach, FEBS Journal, 275, 2524–2535
Chapters in Books
Brás, J., Carvalho, A. L., Viegas, A., Najmudin, S., Alves, V. D., Prates, J. A. M., Ferreira, L. M. A., Romão, M. j., Gilbert, H. J.; Fontes, C. M. G. A., 2012, Escherichia coli Expression, Purification, Crystallization, and Structure Determination of Bacterial Cohesin–Dockerin Complexes. In Cellulases, Gilbert, H. J., Ed. Academic Press: Elsevier, Vol. 510, pp. 395.
Viegas, A., Macedo, A. L., Cabrita, E. J., 2012, Ligand-Based Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Screening Techniques. In Ligand-macromolecular interactions in drug discovery: methods and protocols, Roque, A. C. A., Ed. New York: Humana Press: Springer, pp 81